László Sólyom

László Sólyom

President, Republic of Hungary

Governing for Sustainability - A Hungarian Perspective on Climate Change, Environment and Responsibility for Future Generations

23 May 2008

Twenty years ago a complete overhaul of the political, legal, and institutional system took place in Hungary. The debates on pressing local and international environmental issues also left their mark on the spirit and the letter of the new Constitution: the right to a healthy environment was established. As new investments are being poured into buildings and roads, civil groups and academics argue for the need to make the rapid development sustainable and to preserve the important ecosystems.

Based on the outcome of recent studies, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences has already warned about the high sensitivity of the country to the consequences of climate change.

Taking a long-term perspective, the Hungarian Parliament recently passed a law establishing the independent position of the "Speaker for Future Generations”.

It is hoped that these legal and institutional measures will support the realisation of the ambitious new initiatives of the European Union that intend to turn the production and consumption in Europe into a low-carbon, resource-saving, fair and sustainable direction. The public knows that pollution and environmental degradation respect no boundaries and burden future generations. All members of the United Nations need to participate in the creation of an international system of stakeholders which is capable of delivering long-term solutions to the challenge of sustainability.

About The Speaker

László Sólyom was born on 3rd January 1942 in Pécs. He graduated from the Faculty of Political and Legal Sciences of the University of Pécs in 1965 and the same year also qualified as a librarian in the National Széchényi Library.

Since the early 1980s he has been a legal advisor to civil and environmental movements, and has been a member of Duna Kör (Danube Circle). In 1988 and 1989 he was member of various civil organisations which played a significant role in the transition to democracy (e.g. Nyilvánosság Klub [Club for Freedom of the Press] and Független Jogász Fórum [Independent Lawyers' Forum]). He was a founding member of the Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF) and a member of its presidency between March 1989 and November 1990.

He attended the sessions of the Opposition Roundtable on behalf of MDF and participated in the National Roundtable Negotiations in 1990.

On 24th November 1989 Parliament elected him a judge to the newly established Constitutional Court. He was deputy president of the Contitutional Court until summer 1990 and was elected by his peers president of the Constitutional Court three times between 1990 and 1998, a position he held until the end of his mandate.

The National Assembly of Hungary elected László Sólyom President of the Republic on 7th June 2005.